Minggu, 11 Juni 2017




  2. DUWI ARI WIBOWO (23214265) 


  1. I live at jalan lapangan tembak 2 NO.40. (Duwi Ari )
  2. You can save your assignment on my table. (Bunga Haryani)
  3. Ari is singing in the classroom. (Duwi Ari )
  4. Fatimah is a pretty girl. (Bunga Haryani)
  5. The ant seems busy to carrying sugar. (Duwi Ari )
  6. Government gives fund to poor people as a compensation of newoil policy. (Bunga Haryani)

Sabtu, 10 Juni 2017

Tugas Softskill III dan IV


about : Job Interview


  2. DUWI ARI WIBOWO (23214265)


Conversation of job interview
A : Duwi Ari
B : Bunga Haryani

A : Sorry, this is with Mrs. Bunga. Right?
B : Yes, Sir.
A : Hello… how are you?
B : I am good, Sir. I hope you are good too.
A : Thanks. we get started of  interview test. Are you ready?
B : Yes, InsyaAllah.
A : Please, could you introduce your self briefly?
B : My name is Bunga Haryani Farida. I am twenty years old. I have graduated from a gunadarma university majoring in accounting. Even though I am not from English department, I still can speak English well. My activities are much deeper accounting science especially the taxation and finance because I like the science part about it.
A : What makes you interesting about this job?
B : Because this is my passion and I will take responsibility for planning business, make decition o financial report and looking for investors for this company.
A : Why do you want to work here?
B : I want to work here, because I know that I have potention for advance this company and I want to explore my self.
A : Can you describe your careers goals?
B : My carrer goals is to be successed at this job.
A : When you feel satisfied at your job?
B : I will be satisfied if my work done on time and through
A : What do you prefer a teamwork or individual?
B : I prefer teamwork, cause it will be easier to do job, we can share the idea with team. 
A : What is your greatest strength? 
B : Iam a discipline person, thorough, I like something that can makes a new experience.
A : What is your greatest weakness? 
B : Sometimes I get panic when I have know idea what I supposed to do, cause I have no experience.
A : What is the solution for you weakness and How do you cover your weakness with your strength? 
B : I will learn about something that I don’t know and no matter how hard it is I will do that thing. 
A : How much salary do you want? 
B : As deserve as my position 
A : Okay the interview today is over, hope you escaped interview and accepted work this company. 
B : Amin, thank you sir


Please find 5 verbs, nouns, adjectives and the meaning from your job conversation.

  1. get = mendapat
  2. graduate = Kelulusan
  3. look = melihat
  4. make = membuat
  5. plan = rencana
  6. share = membagi
  7. success = sukses

  1. teamwork = kerja tim
  2. work = bekerja
  3. experience = pengalaman
  4. salary = gaji
  5. skill = keahlian
  6. education = pendidikan

  1. strength = kekuatan
  2. weakness = kelemahan
  3. successed = sukses
  4. disipline = disiplin
  5. panic = panik

Tugas Softskill II

Tugas Sofskill Kedua (B.Inggris)
Nama : Bunga Haryani Farida
Kelas : 3EB02
NPM : 2C214968

Sad Story in My Life....   

        Have you face the story dejected in this way through life? Of course all somebody would agreeably there was a story sad being tucked in roman their lives. Does not mean if there is a person subjected to a doleful story means to ends his life. for with presence the story sad made a person feel the romance of happiness. can't feel what is that happiness if not through the atmosphere sad. This is started the story in my life who make sad. On the day when i am going to colleges for to the library to restore book i borrow, i saw the announcement to open a requirement was assistant ilab on campus. After i see the announcement my heart touched to follow include be a assistant the lab. On the day the last time registration i sent registration form to counter registration assistant ilab candidates. On friday i can email and a message that i get away stage file selection.
       On Friday I get an email and the message that I pass the file selection stage. Once I was happy to tell my parents, especially my mother. I ask my mother's blessing to be a blessing. The next day I went to my friend's house, named jean to share experiences about candidate assistant ilab, how about interviews, and interview tips. Jean recounts her experiences and contacts sending friends who had once been an assistant ilab. I immediately rushed to search for information about the next stage of tests of academic potential and accounting test. Before the test of the assistant candidate there was an empty time lag for three days, I used to study, starting my most, as the academic test of calculation and accounting about the introduction of accounting. And a close friend of my class named Yeni gave me encouragement, advice and input to be a good candidate for the helpers ilab because my friend has been accepted in his tax lab.
       On Monday morning I got up early and prepared to go to college to follow the next selection stage. Once I got to campus at 8:30 am, I ran very fast for fear of being late selection. At the time of the exam I really let go and leave it to the gods, because I value the results are not satisfactory and I feel sad. At night when I go to the website ilab there was good news that I pass the test phase of the first interview. I'm looking for more information about about the interview, and thank's god my friend jean and yeni give encouragement and advice to the best answer questions from the interviewer. After the test the second stage I was satisfied with my answer has been given by the interviewer, I feel confident to qualify. Alhamdulillah in the third stage of the first interview I escaped but in the second interview stage I did not qualify. In the night before the second interview stage, I feel sad because of family problems, my mama told me about the problem in her family.
            And then at that moment I focus on how I can make my mom laugh and happy again. At that time I cried and prayed to God to give me a way to make my mother laugh again and my problem escaped or not become the most important lateral affairs about my mother. On the last test day I did not focus what the interviewer asked me. I'm not satisfied, and I'm not sure I'll get away with it. The next day I did not get away. When I found out that I did not qualify, I told my mother, and she gave me encouragement and advice not to be discouraged. Although in fact I am sad because my heart and mind are not synchronized but I am grateful to get to the second interviewer stage so that I have a new experience that other people can not do.